StunLight™ Optical Disruption

PhotonicTek has created a new alternative to the less-than-lethal devices like Electroshock and Pepper Spray currently in use by law-enforcement and security organizations today.  StunLight™ is a family of Optical Disruptors applicable for government, military, private security, law enforcement, first responder, and infrastructure security applications.  StunLight Optical Disruptors are non-lethal weapons delivering pulses of incoherent light, the same as overhead lights or sunlight.

The StunLight effect is similar to walking out of a movie theater into the bright sunlight or being flashed by a car high-beam at night, only more intense and prolonged.  Those exposed to the StunLight light pulses are instantly unable to see their surroundings and their ability to be aggressive is reduced.  Some have even described the StunLight pulse effect as repeated hits from brilliant light flashes on steroids.  When StunLight light pulses are no longer directed onto the subject, they recover within minutes with no pain or damage to their eyes.

StunLight gives responders a new tool to fill the gap between shoot and don’t shoot, at ranges that are greater than other non-lethal / less-than-lethal weapons, all without having to make any direct contact with a subject of interest.  This greater standoff distance helps ensure the safety of the first responder and gives them more time to decide on the proper level of force to be used.  In addition to giving responders a day-night long-range incapacitation capability, StunLight can also provide high intensity spotlight and searchlight illuminator functions.  By ultimately providing greater stand-off distance and safety, the same product can also be used for school-shooter protection and defensive applications.

Like the rest of PhotonicTek’s products, the StunLight uses our proprietary RLT optical element (see our RLT™ Inside page) that amplifies the light output from its LEDs without consuming any additional power.  This means better performance and a longer on-station use time by the operator.

PhotonicTek is the only company that is able to put this capability and product package together because we alone own the essential technology.  Moreover, the technology is directly scalable for other non-lethal applications like vehicles & ships and handheld use, as well as a number of fixed security lighting applications.  We plan to scale the product down to an individual handheld device and scale it up to larger vehicle-mounted systems.

Contact us if you have any questions or interest in being a StunLight™ customer.